
This blog is about what are booleans and how and where all can they be found, irrespective of the place, time, thing, etc.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Human Booleans

Humans as Booleans???
Ok before we move on - first things first.

What's a Boolean? Ans. something that has two values, true or false, but not both at the same time. It is an electronic mechanism, used in digital circuitry to provide the much needed thinking ability of the machines, for e.g. logic. It is also a programmer’s best choice for creating logic. Booleans are just amazing, i.e. to say when they can produce things like - logic.

Hmmm... So is this article aimed at providing another stupid definition to the human race or is it just another way of tagging what is considered as God's ultimate creation? Well to be very honest it's nothing like this at all.
It's just a way of looking at ourselves, humans that is, in a manner that has not been ever imagined (well that's what I know of) or ever recorded in history. It is just another means to say that though we as humans have the five sensory receptors, show lot of emotions, act according to situations, etc. etc., but at the end we just tend to be more - or - less Boolean like.

Ok so that’s the kind of logical behavior that will be in here so read on... It is said that humans evolved from monkeys or should I say the 'Primates' who, in fact still, wondered the earth and are in fact the next most intelligent species (as science says) after humans. So obviously, humans inherited this natural ability of intelligence / logic / whatever term can fit in, from them and gradually built upon it to become what they are today.

A 'pat-on-the-back' would be just for humans because they deserve what they've achieved. But this Boolean-ism has been all along. Stung to the race as it has advanced...

The achievements have been the tiniest to the most enormous, to say the least. They have come a long way in achieving balance within themselves and hence providing the same to the society as and when and however they can.

We humans always speak of big things and also dream about the same too. It's very natural of us to do so too as per the saying that, 'You just can't say anything until you think of it...' But what happens when we go into big discussions, or any group discussion for that matter? These discussions can be pictured as discussions that happen on a day-to-day basis and take place in everyone’s life. These can be a child-dad discussion, a teacher-student discussion, an employee-boss discussion, a client-supplier discussion, Well so what actually happens? We either end up with a solution or we don't. [See the parallelism with Booleans, yes or no, true or false]

Everywhere the scenario is such that the Boolean becomes mightier even than the sword.

There are even more analogies to this. [The buck just doesn’t stop here]

Let’s look into the Chinese for that matter. The Yin – Yang, which describes two primal opposing but complementary forces found in all things in the universe, is yet again a classical example of the ‘Boolean-ism’ that is around us for centuries.

We can look into our own day-to-day lives and see the Boolean-istic nature of ours. For example – Our vocabulary, dialects, language, etc. all have these two very important words, which in English, are – Good & Bad. We use them almost daily in our professional, un-professional, ethical and un-ethical lives [Oops, I myself am using the 0/1 logic… Booleans are plaguing me too!!!].

There are more such instances.

Just look into any grammar book of any language. What do you find? Do we see the terminology of ‘Opposite Words’? That’s it! The Booleans have their presence in the basic literary grammar that every language is made up of. Opposites like – good / bad; right / wrong; right / left; write / erase; heads/ tails; up / down, etc. are concrete evidences of the Boolean-istic nature of our very existence.

We can see this behavior in many other places too. If you do well in you exams then you get all the accolades from your mates, parents, relatives, etc. but if you don’t then God help you; if a mosquito is biting you – either kill it or make it fly away; you either like someone or not; you will either feel hungry or not; you will either run or will walk; you’ll be either fat or slim. The list just goes on and on…

In one way, we can treat this 'phenomenon' as a hidden attribute associated with any human, thus making a Human Boolean.

So does all this mean that the most powerful tool for any technological advancement, which is the brain-child of humans, is actually an inherent characteristic of ours?
Well, look around and say ‘Yes’. There is a common belief that – “The father would like his son to be what he is.” Though the father may crave for more but the initial urge is what is stated above. Hence, the father (human) gave birth to the child (Boolean) in digital electronics, fuzzy-logic, programming languages, etc.

It is actually not our fault, if one may like to see it with a different angle. Maybe, we were created to think on just those lines. Or maybe, we never actually let ourselves loose so that we can think beyond these two.

The latter holds firm as history tells us that one who has thought differently has indeed scaled heights, has gone places, has created, have restructured our world. Examples of such people are – Einstein, Alexander the great, the Renaissance men and the likes. But there has never been an instance when the complete humanity has done such a thing.

So can we say that humans are nothing more than the great Boolean???...
This post is just a thought that I had regarding what I have experienced and felt and even done. It is not aimed at anything at all. Hope you have liked it and I just hope that it was able to put u in a thought…

Thanks for reading. Have a nice day…


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